Munich, 18 – 19 October 2016



University College London & UC Berkeley

Descartes is responsible for first sparking my interest in philosophy. While I still feel the attractions of rationalism, my own concerns have stuck resolutely with practical matters. My research is principally in practical reasoning, ethics and political philosophy, as well as in eighteenth century political thought, particularly that of Rousseau and Hume.

In recent years I have written articles on a range of issues, worrying about ethical problems at different levels of abstraction: aggregation and numbers in practical reasoning; the transitivity of ‘better than’; the social significance of risk; the justification of taxation; the nature of regret and what it reveals about the role of value in practical reasoning; the nature of social goods such as universities and museums; and the nature and importance of the political ideal of equality. In some of my earliest work I pursued questions of justice of the family and the possible abolition of marriage and I have now returned to the cluster of problems which I label ‘regulation of intimacy’: should there be laws against buying and selling sex?


University of Notre Dame

Since 1999 he has been the Paul Kimball Professor of Arts and Letters at the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches German literature, philosophy and political sciences and has founded the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. After his PhD in Philosophy at Tübingen University in 1982 and Habilitation in 1985. In 2013 Pope Francis appointed him ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. He has published more than 40 books, with special relevance for the conference: Morals and Politics, University of Notre Dame Press: Notre Dame 2004


Boston College

Thomas C. Kohler is the Concurrent Professor of Law and Philosophy. Professor Kohler is an internationally recognized authority on the labor and employment law of the United States and other western nations, with a special emphasis on German law. He has served as a Fulbright Professor on the Law Faculty of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität (Frankfurt am Main), and has taught at the University of Texas School of Law and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. Among other honors, he has been a Fellow of the German Marshall Fund and a Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Research Fellow. He has served as a member of the Advisory Board for the E.U.-sponsored European Labour Law Network (ELLN), a Consultant to the Industrial Relations section of the Department of Sociology of the University of Warsaw, a member of the International Board for the National College of Ireland, and as a Scientific Expert to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican. He also has acted as a consultant to governments, NGOs and other international organizations on labor and employment law and policy matters.


University of Basel

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Osterloh Margit is a permanent guest professor at the University of Basel and director of the research institute CREMA. Margit Osterloh studied Business engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, received her doctorate at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin and habilitated at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. After graduating Margit Osterloh worked for several years in business. Margit Osterloh was a member of various administrations and Boards of directors and is among other a member of the German Science Council and co-editor of the swiss journal of marketing "Die Unternehmung".
18 – 19 October 2016

International and interdisciplinary conference on the principle of solidarity in cosmopolitan and open societies
© 2016 Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
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